Welcome Baby Alex
How women inspect a diaper...
Mmmm... GOOD!
We finally called the men down to get her because she was about to cry. Poor Abby. She was so confused!
Proof We Came from Apes
How MEN inspect a diaper...
(I think I hear apes in the background)
We clearly came from monkeys... that's for sure!!!
We played the game "what's in the diaper" as one of the games at Nic's shower. We played other games too, but this was the hilarious one. For some reason it was the only one I took pictures of. I think I was so busy I forgot until this game. It was the last one. The shower was great. I think everyone had fun. Dad had the most... as you can tell.
Glad to see you are finally coming around to the "planet of the apes".