Mission Statement

"Try a little harder to fortify someone so powerfully that whatever temptations the devils of hell throw at her or him, they will be able to withstand and thus truly in that moment be free from evil."
~Jeffrey R. Holland

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Birthdays and Benched

First of all... Yay for Scotty!
Second of all... kind of funny little story. I went during lunch to do initiatories cause I feel like I've been an ornery cuss at work lately and I knew that would help. BTW... it did, it does :). Anywho... I was on my last name and I notice the very last time I said the sister's name that her birthday is on Sept 13th. How sweet is that? (For those of you who don't know- it's my bday), it made me smile inside, so when the sweet temple worker finished I said to her:
"hey, she and I have the same birthday" (enter big smile)
She smiles, looks intently at the paper "Oh really.... you were born in 1809?" (enter big smile)
"No...(laugh, laugh, laugh-in temple voice of course) but September 13th."
She just smiled and winked at me. It was sweet and funny. Ididn't even think of the year. Can I just say how much I love being in the Temple. I'm one lucky girl cause not only do I get to go whenever I want to and as often as I want to, I get to work on them as well. I just feel humbled and priveleged and loved by my Savior. It's like the best lunch break to go over there, with watching TV downstairs on 3L with my boys a close second (wink wink).

Oh... speaking of my boys, here is a funny little conversation I had the other day. They came to my desk to say Hi and one of them is gathering people for his one day softball tournament in Blanding. He says to me...

"Oh.. and I decided, whoever bats the worst is SITTIN' THE BENCH NEXT GAME!" (capitalization for emphasis) He laughs cause he thinks he's funny, I laugh cause I think he's funny too.
"Yep, so glad I'm not on your team. You were that kid in school everyone hated weren't you?"
His jaw drops, AS IF he is shocked by my question. "WHAT!?!? No, everyone loved me, and I was good."
"Yeah, well in elementary school when the teacher makes you all line up to pick teams, you were the first one picked weren't you. You were never the last one picked."
"No, I was the captain." LOL!!! (wasn't expecting that)
"Jerk!" Enter horrific childhood memories for Tahnee.
SOOOO... he wants to play softball on this team that I have connections to, so I tell them yesterday... "If he comes to play, make everyone line up and pick teams and pick him last. Better yet, flip a coin for who has to have him at the end. Wait... even better, bench his butt on the second game and tell him he batted the worst." LOL!!!

He's really not full of himself, and such a sweet guy, but it was a funny conversation.

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