Mission Statement

"Try a little harder to fortify someone so powerfully that whatever temptations the devils of hell throw at her or him, they will be able to withstand and thus truly in that moment be free from evil."
~Jeffrey R. Holland

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A New Tahnee

Tomorrow, I officially start voice lessons. Part of the new Tahnee. No holds barred. I have always wanted to take voice lessons cause I am self conscious to play my guitar for anyone cause I don't think I have a very good voice. A friend in my ward does voice lessons so... I decided to go for it. It's time to become a person that is not self conscious and afraid. I am self conscious about way too many things. I need to stop this. It's time for a change. I might even get brave and get a pedicure. Letting someone touch my feet... that's HUGE for me... but... it's on the list of things to combat... Soooo.... baby steps... baby steps...

1 comment:

  1. You're so awesome, Tahnee. I'm so glad you're on your way to being completely fearless. :) Yesterday in Sacrament meeting the High Council speaker talked about one of the seventy, Elder Costa, who was asked if he was ever afraid in all the traveling he did - whether he was scared about terrorists or being killed. His response was, "Why would I be afraid, God has promised me I'll live forever!" So I thought, why should I be afraid of anything? God has got my back. And He's got yours, too. :)
