Mission Statement

"Try a little harder to fortify someone so powerfully that whatever temptations the devils of hell throw at her or him, they will be able to withstand and thus truly in that moment be free from evil."
~Jeffrey R. Holland

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Of course there were a lot of things about Conference that struck me, but one was making 2 lists; A To Do list and a To Become list. I decided to make one of each for both home and work. I find this very motivating in my life, especially the "To Become" list. If you haven't done this I recommend it. I won't share mine with you because then I think it will diminish it, and I will always worry that I'm not measuring up in everyone's eyes, when really all that matters is how I measure up in my own eyes and the eyes of the Savior. The thing for me about the "To Become" list is that you work at it everyday, and you can't just check those things off the list- you strive for them everyday and everyday, if you do it right, you add one piece to the yourself that will one day end up being that person. I love this idea. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from the new Narnia movie... Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people. I'm deciding to be an extraordinary person, and so extraordinary things will happen to me. I believe this is my choice, and it's all about how you look at. It's all about perspective. Like in Alma 5- I need to picture myself becoming the person I want to become. The mind is a very powerful thing and if I can learn to picture myself doing and being the person I want to be, even the person I want to look like, it will happen. Mind over matter. I really believe this, this is something Nic has been trying to drill into my head and I think it sunk. One thing I need to do is to look at myself in the mirror and tell myself one good thing about me every morning. Nic challenged me to do this and I haven't done it yet, but I will start tomorrow. I got a present from the best friend I have and will ever have, Jen, it was a make up kit from Mary Kay. When I opened it up, there was this cute little card attached to the mirror that said "You are beautiful!" Of course as I read it I could see myself and I cried right there. It just touched me, and I knew exactly why she did it. And I thought as I cried, THAT is the kind of friends I need to have and keep. She is amazing, a true disciple of Christ and I love her so much. Anyway.. that's where my thoughts have been today.

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