Mission Statement

"Try a little harder to fortify someone so powerfully that whatever temptations the devils of hell throw at her or him, they will be able to withstand and thus truly in that moment be free from evil."
~Jeffrey R. Holland

Sunday, April 10, 2011

2 Great Things...

Two great things happened yesterday. Well, there were more than 2 but I am chosing to share two of them with you right now.
1. I have been SOOOOO sick this past week. I won't get into the details, but I think I had/have the stomach flu or really bad food poisoning. I was so sad on Friday cause it was the worst day and I didn't even eat anything, well, if you can call a cup of broth and an orange eating something, then I did, one of my favorite people Leilane was getting married on Saturday and I have been looking forward to going. She has been so good to me and helped me through so many things lately and I just love her so much. I prayed my guts out that I would be well enough to go, but even early sat morning at 6:30 I was up and my whole body ached and I could barely move and I was just feeling like crap. Again, I hit my knees. Well I woke up at 9:30am and guess what? I felt SO MUCH BETTER. No aches. At. All. So I went. I think the Lord gave me a "get out of sickness card" for like 6 hours cause I slowly went downhill, but I was well enough to go see her get married and I was SOOOO grateful.
2. LEILANE GOT MARRIED!!! YAY!!! She was so happy and so beautiful, and it was so happy and so beautiful. And I have to tell you that the sealing was amazing. Joe J. Christiansen was the sealer and he was so wonderful. He accommodated us non Portuguese speakers and did part in English and part in Portuguese. Daniel's (Leilane's new hubby) parents (Elder and Sister Villanova) were there and I have to tell you they were so cute. I loved them. I watched them and how they care for each other, how his Dad was so caring with his mom and seemed even protective over her, but not in a bad way, in a "this is my pride and joy" kind of way and I just loved it. After the sealing she did this thing that is so small, but hit me so hard, she walked over to him and they spoke for a second and then he hugged her and as they stood there arm and arm watching everyone, she had her arm around his waist and his suit-coat gripped in her hand. She was holding onto him. It's simple and small but it said so much to me. Anyway... as I watched them I thought... That is how I want to be with my husband, and I know I will be. We will love each other that much, and he will be my pride and joy and I will be his and I look forward to that day.

Anyway... it was a great day! I loved it. And I spent the whole time with my wonderful friend Melanie and as always we laughed a lot, and as usual, we both agreed that WE are funny people. Every time we hang out it's like a party! I love her.

1 comment:

  1. You ARE funny people. And also, you are very good people. I'm sure Leilane was grateful to have you in the temple with her. I know how much that meant to you, and I'm glad you were able to go.

    Are you feeling better?

