Mission Statement

"Try a little harder to fortify someone so powerfully that whatever temptations the devils of hell throw at her or him, they will be able to withstand and thus truly in that moment be free from evil."
~Jeffrey R. Holland

Monday, October 26, 2009

A bunch of jumpin' jacks...

Friday night Nic and I took the kids to Jumpin' Jacks. We kidnapped two cuties from Coalville and went. Okay... Sarah may have assisted us in kidnapping them by meeting me and cramming them and all their belongs :0) in my car. And I mean ALL THEIR BELONGINGS. LOL! (j/k Sarah). First of all... this is too funny not to tell you guys. I got in trouble by Sarah. Sariah "told one me" because last time, when she had a sleep over, I didn't put the TV on a channle, like Disney. I put on a Disney Movie (Sariah is like me and falls asleep with the TV on), so Sarah told me "Now Tahnee (total sarcasm, with slight reprimanding) You have put the TV on a channel, not on a movie!!!". LOL! Sorry, but it was funny. Okay... so back to the party... when we were on our way, Sariah kept telling me "you know, Me and Bubba are afraid of EVERYTHING." She was a bit nervous, don't you think. Well it took a little coaxing, but Nic started them out on the little bouncy stuff... I had to coax Bubba A LOT more than Sariah. (See Below)Yeah... Riah... she had NO PROBLEM attacking.... WELL.. everything!

BUbba wouldn't come in because he was deathly afriad. I picked him up and he let me hold him and jump, then we put him on the slide and he was good to go after that....

See... Sariah... beating up everything. Here is her fist of furry.
And her karate chop... that tree-a bit, FAT, GONER!!!

She means business... this is a great Sariah stress reliever I think.
We then graduated them to a bigger slide. Again... it took a lot of coaxing on Bubba's part. Well... actually, if we were honest I would say it took me picking him, (his legs may have kicked a few times) and handing over the giant wall to Nic, who then put him on the slide (see below)

And then he was fine.... Silly Bubba.
Miley... she pretty much has no fear. I think Nic's kids sucked all the "lack of fear" genes from the rest of the the family cause MAN... those suckers just climbed all over everything.
Here is Alex... See how excited he is... he is about to go down the slide. Oh... but wait...
Wasn't really all he thought it would be. LOL! This is my favorite picture. Look how scared he is... LOL. He never cried though. I picked him up and he smiled his big Alo smile at me...
Here goes Bubba and Moey again.
Bubba was a champ once he got the first attempt under his belt.
Awe.... Nic, being a kid again. This is a cute picture I think.
I tried to get Moey climbing through this... she's lightning fast... little terd.
We gave all the kids red contact lenses... you know... for effect.

LOL! This is Miley after she got bounced RIGHT OFF the big bouncy ship. She landed on the ground on her butt, gets up (right here) and goes "Mi-yee scared!" LOL! But she never cried.
Keili on the ship slide. Okay... below is a picture of Me, Miley and Sariah. Sariah wanted to go on this slide but wanted me to go with her, so did Miley, you know, after the previous picture of her getting bounced out of the thing. So... we climb up the tunnel to the top. We get to the second to last step and Sariah FREAKS OUT! Literally. Crying. Wanting to go back. There are a herd of kids behind me trying to push past, the terds (one of them Davey by the way) and I'm trying to get Sariah and Miley to just sit up at the top. I had to try to pick them both up, put them on my lap. Sariah is screaming and Miley is crying holding on to me for dear life. It was great times. SO.. this is me finally getting them on my lap and going down the slide, they both cried the whole way. I graduated from Awesome Aunt Tahnee to Awful Aunt Tahnee in a heartbeat. LOL.

Bubba, afraid to go in the big bouncy rainbow. It broke my heart...
He'd sure run underneath it though.
The giant slide. This is so much fun... Davey going for it.
Nic and Davey... and Miley, but you can't see her. You had to push her all the way up... she's too little.

Do you think she looks scared? She went up again right after... LOL
Okay... this is me... at the end. Nic wasn't supposed to take my picture, but she did. At least it's dark. :0)
It was so much fun!!! We all had a blast. Sariah and Kempton had fun... with just a few little kinks in the night. We were glad to take them! Now Keili keeps asking when we are going back. This is my favorite place to take the kids. I LOVE IT!!!!!


  1. Wow! I love those things. Wish I was there. Sounds like a lot of fun.

  2. we need to schedule a time when sariah and bubba's mommy can go. If I get scared can I sit on awesome aunt tahnee's lap too? :)

  3. Hey Tahnee looks like a lot of fun!! Where are all the pics of you??
