Mission Statement

"Try a little harder to fortify someone so powerfully that whatever temptations the devils of hell throw at her or him, they will be able to withstand and thus truly in that moment be free from evil."
~Jeffrey R. Holland

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

HELLO 2011!!!

Although I had a fun night on New Years Eve, I have never been so happy and excited to leave a year behind me as I am to leave 2010!!!

I had a dinner date on New Years Eve and I was able to go to The Family Tree restaurant in Santaquin. I have always wanted to go (since I moved there) but never had the chance, and I did on New Years Eve. We were the only 2 people in there, but who cares. It was great company and great food. I was pleased. Then off to a party. It was lots of fun. We played Mafia (they killed me on the 2nd round- rude. I barely knew anyone at that party) and The Office Clue- I got to be Jim Halpert cause I'm a little bit in love with Jim. Okay... I'm A LOT in love with Jim. One of the girls at the party and I were discussing this and she said the most amazing comment- and I totally agreed with her. She said "If Jim was a real person- I'd pretty much do anything to be with him- Even go fist to fist with other women." I laughed... and agreed. I also think that about Castle. Rick Castle... I get twitterpated just thinking about him. LOL- J/K. It's nice to have hollywood crushes.

Anyway... it was a fun night and great to say hello to 2011. I think this will be a fabulous year (fingers crossed).

Sunday I taught the Relief Society lesson. I have been preparing for quite some time as I new it was going to be my turn when I was called in to the presidency. It was kind of funny cause Jesse and I were teaching on the same subject- coinidence- so we gave each other information. I did about 4 different outlines trying to fit in everything I wanted to tell them. The topic was on Getting the Word of God IN you and not just ON you (to sum it up) and how important Searching/Pondering/Praying is. So... as you can imagine, there was a pluthera of information. Plus... this is what I have studying my guts out for the past 2 months. I ended up printing off talks to give them to take home and read in their spare time so I didn't have worry about getting it all in. The best ones I had were as follows:

Healing the Wounded Soul- Jack R. Christiansen (if you have talked to me in the past 2 months I'm sure you've heard ALL ABOUT this one).
Covenants and Sacrifice- Henry B. Eyring
God Wants a Powerful People- Sheri L. Dew (I have been talking about this one a ton too!)
Constant Companion- Jack R. Christiansen
The Transforming Power of Faith- Richard G. Scott
Good Better Best- Dallin H. Oaks
God and Human Tragedy-how the Lord transforms tragedy into triumph

Anyway... I loved studying for that lesson and I loved teaching it.


  1. I think you could have titled this post, "Aunt Tahnee is genius."

    Oh, wait. You already used that title.

    HELLO, 2011!!!!!

  2. Dear Tahnee,
    Thank you. The end. Love Sarah
