Hello my wonderful family and friends. Being that I am about to embark on a new and exciting chapter to my life, I am going to start a new blog for my new little family (Paul and I). I want everyone who wants to read it and follow us to have access but I am going to make it private. If you want to follow it please send me your email address and I will add you. I'll probaly start it in the next couple weeks or so.
Mission Statement
"Try a little harder to fortify someone so powerfully that whatever temptations the devils of hell throw at her or him, they will be able to withstand and thus truly in that moment be free from evil."
~Jeffrey R. Holland
~Jeffrey R. Holland
Monday, May 7, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Don't Click Links
I'm not sure why, but for some reason some of the words in my blog posts keep getting linked- meaning they are linking to websites. SOOO... if you see this please don't click on them, a couple times they have pulled up NAUGHTY sites. Grrr... I keep deleting them, so if you saw one... SORRY. I don't know how to fix it. I promise I'm a good girl. GOOD AND PURE!!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Fun in the Sun... on the Oregon Coast
Well, I went to Portland for the first time this past weekend. It was amazing. Here are some pictures from the trip. My battery died so I didn't get many pictures. Some of these I stole from Kerry (Thanks Kerry!!!)
Okay... So first I got to meet his Grandma and Grandpa Marshall. Fun people. I loved them. I was quizzed on some history, part I passed, part of which I failed. Haha... I think they still liked me though. They were a lot of fun to talk to, and I loved them instantly!!! Then we spent all day with Paul's AMAZING parents Kuhn and Kerry on Saturday. It was a beautiful day, warm, sunny... just wonderful weather. We spent the day on the Oregon Coast, which I fell in love with. We ate breakfast at this sweet lodge called Camp 18. Which is where this first picture is at. Awww... Cute picture, right? I love this picture of us. The lodge is awesome, it's log and very rustic. I felt right at home. Kerry tried to get us to sit on this lumberjack's lap... Paul was shy about it, but I wasn't :). Here I am on his lap.
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Me and some random lumberjack at Camp 18 |
Here are some pictures off of a park we stopped at (can't remember the name) |
Kuhn and Kerry... how cute are they? Awww... |
While we were walking on the beach we came to this written in the sand. We love you Kerry!!!! |
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More Kite flying!!! Thanks Kuhn!!! |
I had so much fun on this trip. Sunday was no different... we ate a wonderul breakfast with his parents and then got ready for church. We went to his ward and I met his Bishop. That was such a good experience. The spirit was pretty strong in there talking to him. He is an amazing man, and he loves Paul so much... EASY TO DO! Then we went to the Portland temple. It was beautiful. I've never been there. I loved walking around the grounds with him. He was so excited to show it to me. I'm just excited to go there with him (wink wink). Then we went back to his parents to have dinner with them. We all pitched in and made a yummy dinner that we ate on the patio, again... beautiful sunny weather. Then that night we roasted marshmallow's and made smore's, EXCEPT... we didn't have graham crackers so Kerry and Paul came up with the idea of using sugar cookies. They were yummy. I started my mallow's on fire...which was unusual for my sweet little Paul. I made him kiss me with burned mallow on my mouth. Haha... Oh the joy and laughter he gets to look forward to by being married to Tahnee :). It was so nice to just sit out there in dark around the campfire. They have an awesome yard, it felt like we were in the mountains, I was in heaven. Paul and I sat out there cuddling and talking about all kinds of things. I just love being with him. Then Monday we registered and drove up to Mt Hood and down the gorge along the Columbia River. It was so beautful and so fun. I was in love. Then we went to a nice restaraunt called Boccelli's. It was yummy! Paul is so great, he is always taking me to places he loves and he loves some great places. I'm so lucky to have him. I just love more and more all the time.
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Mt Hood |
Friday, April 13, 2012
And They Lived Happily Ever After
Okay... the moment you have all been waiting for has finally arrived (okay, maybe it's the moment I have been waiting, but anyway... moving on) the proposal story!!!!
SO... Paul and I decided to go to Disneyland a couple months ago. He got us plane tickets, rooms (yes separate- we are good people) and all the plans and reservations that anyone, especially me, could hope for. I was so excited. SO... I had only been to Disneyland once in
And I read it and there was a pause in my insides... I was like... UMMMM... Is this....and I turn and look at him and my eyes were big and I half said... Are you.... and then he stands up (the chairs there are metal and the floor stone, so this wasn't quiet) and I was like "Oh my heck.. you are going to make me cry" I look over and our waitress is leaning against the door about teary eyed with a huge smile on her face. He gets down on one knee and I cover my face with my hands and he says "Tahnee, will you be my Queen? I love you, will you marry me?" I was so excited I think I grabbed his face and kissed him and hugged him and kissed him and said yes and hugged him... hahahaha... I was so so so happy!!! NOw I new why he was
I had the best time ever in Disneyland. The whole trip. SO many funny things happened and som many sweet things too. It was seriously the best time of my life. And we are going back for our honeymoon. This time we'll have "Just Married" pins, and get lots of congratulations and all the other fun stuff... ya know.
I love our story... he did so good!!! Now we are getting married on July 7th and I cannot wait!!!! I'm glad I had to wait so long, because I got the best guy in the world... I can see how we are perfect for each other... I"m excited to see all the places we will go....
Sunday, April 1, 2012
I'm Engaged!!!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Okay... I picked Paul up yesterday, it was amazing. HE is amazing. I just love him so much and I missed him so much! He met my family last night, except for Misty. It was fun. Of COURSE they had to throw in some "Did you know this about Tahnee" moments, that were kind of embarrassing, but that's the family's job I guess. It was a great night and they all LOVED him so much, which is easy to do. He is very easy to love. We leave for Disneyland tomorrow morning and I am very excited. It was funny, last night we walked over to John and Amy's to drop off his stuff and watch a movie. Here is one of the wonderful things about Paul and I. We are good to stick to a curfew, BUT last night, I didn't want to. I was a little bit of a bratt trying to get him to stay up late with me. I said "WE ARE ADULTS! And adults go to bed at 12. TEENAGERS can go to bed at 12 and we are adults so we can stay up late!" He just laughed and kept trying to argue his point that I needed sleep because I have get up and go to work. I was a little whiney and said "BUT... it's my friday tomorrow, I'll be fine!!!!" Anyway... I won that battle, kind of... he walked me home at about 10 minutes to midnight I think. Hahaha... I just didn't want to leave him last night, not that I want to leave him EVER, but especially not last night.
Paul is amazing. We met through my friends John and Amy Marshall, they leave by me (a couple houses down) and I just love them to pieces. Amy told me back in September at the General Relief SOciety broadcast that she wanted to set me up with John's brother Paul. Whenever someone tells me that I always say 'Okay do it'! About 10% of the time the person does it and I actually do go out with the person. It took a while for him to make contact with me, even though he looked up my blog (and I didnt' even know) in November and BLOG STALKED ME for like 2 months!!!! On Christmas night I got a message from him on facebook. I was so excited I ran up stairs and got Mom and Dad up to read it to them. It was very well written, which was so cute. I even said "Wow... he has some mad english skills". Then I had to read it to my friend Jessica beacuse we talk about boys a lot. He would message back and forth periodically, which drove me crazy. Finally on his birthday (Jan 31st) he sent me a long message and from that night on... we have talked everyday since. Paul lives in Portland. He asked me if I wanted to meet him for the first time in Disneyland. We were IMing one night. I read that and pulled my hands off the keyboard fast when I read it- so I could think- as if NOT touching the keyboard anymore makes any more of a difference. haha... I put them back and wrote VERY SLOWLY... I think I'm okay with that. THEN the plans began. He seemed very shocked that I accepted that. Then I said "My brother is going to kill me, or you for that matter." Haha... Well, we couldn't wait that long, so he flew out here last month so we could meet. Anyway... it has been great. We have spent a lot of time getting to know each other. I feel very complete with him. Like I don't know how I lived without him in my life. I feel like I don't make decisions just for myself anymore... it's like subconsciously I always consider him when I make decisions. Like when I was running the other night and it was gettng dark... I stopped because I felt like I have to be safer now, for him, so I can be with him. That is a new feeling for me... I've never felt like that before. I've never loved liket his before and it feels so good!!!! Anyway... I'll have to take pictures at Disneyland and let you know how that goes... BUT.. just know... I am SO IN LOVE! *sigh* NOW... I know what happy feels like!!!!
Paul is amazing. We met through my friends John and Amy Marshall, they leave by me (a couple houses down) and I just love them to pieces. Amy told me back in September at the General Relief SOciety broadcast that she wanted to set me up with John's brother Paul. Whenever someone tells me that I always say 'Okay do it'! About 10% of the time the person does it and I actually do go out with the person. It took a while for him to make contact with me, even though he looked up my blog (and I didnt' even know) in November and BLOG STALKED ME for like 2 months!!!! On Christmas night I got a message from him on facebook. I was so excited I ran up stairs and got Mom and Dad up to read it to them. It was very well written, which was so cute. I even said "Wow... he has some mad english skills". Then I had to read it to my friend Jessica beacuse we talk about boys a lot. He would message back and forth periodically, which drove me crazy. Finally on his birthday (Jan 31st) he sent me a long message and from that night on... we have talked everyday since. Paul lives in Portland. He asked me if I wanted to meet him for the first time in Disneyland. We were IMing one night. I read that and pulled my hands off the keyboard fast when I read it- so I could think- as if NOT touching the keyboard anymore makes any more of a difference. haha... I put them back and wrote VERY SLOWLY... I think I'm okay with that. THEN the plans began. He seemed very shocked that I accepted that. Then I said "My brother is going to kill me, or you for that matter." Haha... Well, we couldn't wait that long, so he flew out here last month so we could meet. Anyway... it has been great. We have spent a lot of time getting to know each other. I feel very complete with him. Like I don't know how I lived without him in my life. I feel like I don't make decisions just for myself anymore... it's like subconsciously I always consider him when I make decisions. Like when I was running the other night and it was gettng dark... I stopped because I felt like I have to be safer now, for him, so I can be with him. That is a new feeling for me... I've never felt like that before. I've never loved liket his before and it feels so good!!!! Anyway... I'll have to take pictures at Disneyland and let you know how that goes... BUT.. just know... I am SO IN LOVE! *sigh* NOW... I know what happy feels like!!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Deep Breath... SIGH!!!!
Oh how life can change in an instant. I feel like I finally stopped, took a deep breath and jumped. And it was hard, but SO AMAZING! Today I get to pick Paul up from the airport and I am so dang excited. I know I have promised an update post on Paul and I. I just haven't had time. I will post about Disneyland though. YEP... we are going to Disneyland on Thursday, just the two of us. I am so so so excited. You know... I can't even explain how I am feeling. There just aren't words enough to describe how I feel about him. It just feels so right and so natural to love him. I never even dreamed I could feel so comfortable and so safe with someone, but I do. For the first time... I can honestly say... I can knock down all my walls, and for those of you who know me... you know I have TONS of them. I've thought I loved people in the past, and I did, but THIS is real love, and OH. MY. HECK it's amazing!!!! I just can't wait to go get him and give him a big gigantic hug and a kiss and just be happy. I have missed him SOOOOO much!!!!
Stay tuned. I still promise to tell you all about him, all about us.
Stay tuned. I still promise to tell you all about him, all about us.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Kitchen Appliances
This post should have actually happened a while ago, but life gets busy. I'm posting because I need something funny right now and so I pulled up this conversation. One of my wonderful friends and I were going back and forth on a question someone that she was getting set up with asked her (his was lame and she wasn't sure she was excited about him), so she asked one back and hers was:
"If you could be any kitchen appliance what would it be?"
But... I thought he asked her that question, so here is our conversation...
hey, if you could be one kitchen appliance, what would you be?
Can you please tell him you would be a juicer- so you can squeeze the life out of him.
Or a toaster so you can BURN him!
Or a chopper so you can chew him up and spit him out....
that was MY question to him :)
i would be an oven because i am HOT! ahahaha
those are so funny.
Hahahahahahahahaha... OH :)
Microwave- cause I heat things up and FAST!
GASP! Did I just say that?
That's what I would be...
Lazy Susan... hahahahahahahahaha I'm laughing so hard.....
Everything is funny to me right now....
Jessica Bird:
blender because i like to mix things up
frying pan...make things sizzle
Garbage disposal... incase this date goes south...
bah hahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha ha BEST!
It was so funny and we were laughing so hard... BTW... his answer was lame- it was the blender... to mix things up. BOO! Oh, and I'm not a mean dater, I promise.
"If you could be any kitchen appliance what would it be?"
But... I thought he asked her that question, so here is our conversation...
hey, if you could be one kitchen appliance, what would you be?
Can you please tell him you would be a juicer- so you can squeeze the life out of him.
Or a toaster so you can BURN him!
Or a chopper so you can chew him up and spit him out....
that was MY question to him :)
i would be an oven because i am HOT! ahahaha
those are so funny.
Hahahahahahahahaha... OH :)
Microwave- cause I heat things up and FAST!
GASP! Did I just say that?
That's what I would be...
Lazy Susan... hahahahahahahahaha I'm laughing so hard.....
Everything is funny to me right now....
Jessica Bird:
blender because i like to mix things up
frying pan...make things sizzle
Garbage disposal... incase this date goes south...
bah hahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha ha BEST!
It was so funny and we were laughing so hard... BTW... his answer was lame- it was the blender... to mix things up. BOO! Oh, and I'm not a mean dater, I promise.
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